Gardens of Hecate: Grobniks

The miniatures shown here were acquired when the Grobniks line was being produced by Mammoth Miniatures, they are now being produced by Ramshackle Games.

This was my first time buying from Mammoth miniatures and two things stand out to me; quick postage and a freebie miniature. I’ll get to the freebie at the end, but the model that I purchased was the heavy trooper. There was a substantial amount of flash attached to the model, but it was incredibly thin and so removal was simple. I had bit of trouble getting this model to hold his gun and I’m sure you can see the issue. The right elbow joint did not have much in the way of sculpting that enabled a seamless joint and so I did the obvious. I glued it without regard for appearances and hoped for the best.

If you look at the marketing material for this line, you will see lovely grey monochromatic paintjobs with miniatures standing on Martain orange/red steppe terrain. I again deviated from this, going with a purple with a couple of attempts at wet blending on the top of the head to at least keep a monochrome scheme. It’s a nice model, but I can’t say I’m all that happy with the end result. Oh well.

Lastly we have the freebie. I assumed that this guy was a wizard of some sort, but after checking the webpage for the store listing, it turns out he is one of two bodyguards for someone called “the Gorgon queen”. He’s a wizard for me.


100 Manga Artists


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