Firestorm Armada Terquai Patrol fleet

Today I have the counterpart to the Dindrenzi fleet that I featured last year and that is the Terquai patrol fleet. This is another one that sat on the shelf for months and months, before eventually getting painted up to a “tabletop standard”. There’s nothing really outstanding in the paintjobs here, but I did try some sponge painting for highlights on the flagship, which turned out alright

With the completion of these models I am now technically able to play a game of firestorm armada, however, there are two key pieces of the puzzle remaining. The first is a black tablecloth to act as the backdrop of space- easy enough. The second is to find another person who is willing to learn the rules to a dead game in order to act as the player 2 for this game. A brave person willing to sacrifice an afternoon of their time. I doubt that I will do a full battle report, but I may feature a few pictures of the match and provide a general overview, so look forward to that in the future.


Anima tactics: a dead game from another time


Project Selection: Taking on the Unmanageable