Ground Zero Games: Bubblegum Crisis
Now in the age of 3D printing we have access to STLs and OBJ files for every conceivable subject and one of these subjects that is experiencing a boom is anime/ manga/ JRPG inspired miniatures. But, before there was 3D printing a few brave souls offered fans of this aesthetic what little there was to be had. No, I’m not talking about Corvus Belli, though I am a big fan of the infinity range. I’m talking about Ground zero game’s Bubblegum crisis range.
This range covered the main four knight sabers, the AD police, corporate bad guys and of course the “Boomers”, rogue robots, hellbent on causing mayhem in future Tokyo.
Hopefully you can excuse my 7 year old paintjobs. Produced in 3 separate poses, the boomers are the only models from this line that I actually own. They are a pretty good representation of the subject, but in the modern miniature landscape the suffer from the same problem that many miniatures from this era suffer from. This is the gradual creep in scale up from 25mm, through 28mm and now we are sitting at 28mm which is actually closer to 32mm in many cases. I’ve included a GZG astronaut to illustrate this problem. The astronaut looks diminutive in comparison to the now aged “firstborn” tyranid hunter, imagine how positively dwarfish they would look next to a primaris marine. Well, I don’t own any primaris marines, so a mk V marine on a 32mm base will have to do.
Now, the initiated amongst you might be waiting for me to pivot to EM4 miniature’s “Alien ghost”, who looks suspiciously similar to a certain Bio-boosted armour. Well, I also don’t own that…for now.
Also, Happy new year.