Meng toon Tanks: Churchill

It’s been sitting in my half-finished pile for over a year now, but I’ve just about made some progress on this, Meng’s toon tank Churchill. The Toon tank line is characterised by the squished (Chibi/toon) proportions of all of the vehicles that give them a real metal slug kind of appearance. The only remaining steps to finish this is a decal or two and perhaps some weathering around the tracks.

I made the classic mistake of assembling the tracks before painting and now I’m left with some hard to reach areas still in the original sand colour. It is unlikely that I will fix these as they can’t be seen from a normal standing viewpoint. I’ll need to remember to paint the road wheels before gluing next time.

The Toon tank lineup works really well alongside 28mm heroic scale figures and includes the German big cats, American Sherman and Pershing as well as the Soviet T34 and KV-2 among others. For £13 per tank they are not bad kits and an excellent base for conversions or custom creations.


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