Two new additions to the Chaos warband

As part of a pair of (hypothetical) Frostgrave warbands I’ve been picking up metal chaos warrior miniatures. Some of these chaps made an appearance in the “what is oldhammer ?” article. Today I have two new additions. Sold originally as Gladstone the large and a champion of Khorne, these two are nice simple sculpts that would lend themselves well to a bit of freehand. Looking at these images, the Khorne champion could stand to have the rivets on his armour picked out in silver or brass.

Gladstone the large

As these both came from ebay, Gladstone did not have a shield, so I opted to use the hatch cover from a rhino or razorback as a shield.

Last of all, here are all of the chaos warriors that I have at the moment. Colourful chaos warriors are a great break from the various flavours of army man in dark green or sand that I usually paint.


The creative process and me


Heavenly Delusion: Volumes 1-3