Space Wargaming: Part 2
Another short one today. Here we have the Zeus frigate as sold by Vanguard miniatures. This is a well priced (£7.92 for 3) alternative to the sword frigate for BFG which sells on ebay for £14+ per frigate.
Comes with a choice of 2 prows, one with a lance weapon and one without for each of the three frigates. Assembly was without issue, just glue on the prow and the two wing nacelles to each central spine. However, there was some seriously strong mould release agent that persisted after vigorous scrubbing with dish soap. Because of this, I had to layer on the primer and paint just a bit thicker than I would have preferred.
But wait! There’s more. This week I finally got around to painting a model that I have been holding on to for several years. One of a pair of battleships from the mecha collection model kits representing ships from space battleship Yamato.
Still a WIP of course, but I’m not sure how this could be used in BFG. I’m sure I’ll think of something.