Space Wargaming: Part 1

Today is a short one. I’ve got big plans to get into some space based games like Battlefleet gothic, Firestorm Armada and Full Thrust and to show them off on the blog. Having perused a few other blogs that have featured these games, one thing always stands out; the terrain. For that reason I purchased two foam spheres to serve as planets for these games. Sealed with mod podge and given a couple of coats of paint and drybrushing, I’m quite pleased to present 2 planets about ready for the tabletop.

I’m not sure yet about how I’m going to mount these on bases that are both stable and not a complete pain to store, but I’d like to make a few more.

Since that isn’t very much, here’s a peak at my first BFG miniature, a lunar class imperial cruiser.

The prow needs a bit of clean-up, but overall I’m happy with it and at arm’s length it looks quite good.


Space Wargaming: Part 2


Metal Slug: Slug Gunner