Space wargaming: Part 3

Another update on the battlefleet gothic front, the Overlord class battlecruiser (3D printed). Another good quality print, however, it was considerably smaller than I was expecting. The length is almost the same as the lunar class cruiser, with the other dimensions being slightly larger as you can see in the photographs.

I also got to try out a new metallic paint; Vallejo metal colour gunmetal grey. The bottle is generously sized (50ml), comes with some kind of bead shaker and has excellent coverage over blue, goblin green and burnt umber/brown.

For comparison, in the above picture, the cannon barrels on the “neck” of the ship are painted in Vallejo gunmetal grey whilst the engine is citadel leadbelcher.

Lunar class on the left, Overlord on the right.

With this I am only 2 Lunar class away from completing my first 1000 point (990 actually) fleet for battlefleet gothic.


Scratch building and Kitbashing


Guyver miniature